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Game Scheduling

Spring Season

A typical season will provide around 4 weeks of practice followed by a 12-16 regular season games for each team. Teams will be scheduled for 2 practice times a week (one which will be over the weekend). After the games begin, teams are able to hold additional practices on open field times and they are called at the discretion of the coach. In the event of canceled and suspended games due to inclement weather or other circumstances, games will be rescheduled with a priority of ensuring that each team plays a minimum of 12 games. Based on the final number of teams across divisions, it is very likely that regular games and/or make up games due to weather will be scheduled for the weekends. Coaches and teams will be given notice ahead of time if there are games scheduled for a weekend and potential make up dates for rescheduled games due to weather will be posted in advance. Tball/JCP/Coach Pitch and Minors will likely have a few Saturday games throughout the season unless field space allows all of the games to occur during the week.

If a team is scheduled for a make up game, the game will be played regardless if there is a coach or player conflict and arrangements will be made if a team requires pool players. Coaches do not make the decision as to whether the game will be played or not and any team that does not play in any scheduled game will be considered a forfeit by the team.

Teams will typically be scheduled for 2 games a week, Monday through Friday, although variations may occur. Saturdays and Sundays are typically left open for field repairs, practices, county lease for tournament games, etc. but may be scheduled for games if an extended number of make-up games are needed to meet minimum game requirements. However, Saturdays will be scheduled for weekly games if the number of teams requires the league to do so. 

Baseball Majors, Intermediate, and Juniors Baseball Divisions, and Softball Minors (Coach Pitch and Player Pitch) and Majors Divisions may occasionally be scheduled for double headers. Tee Ball Divisions (T-ball and Junior Coach Pitch) and Baseball Minors (Machine Pitch and Player Pitch) Division will not be scheduled for double headers.

Majors, Intermediate, and Juniors Divisions – Interleague games may occasionally be scheduled against teams from other leagues in the district (South Carolina District 3).

In addition to the regular season games, most divisions also participate in End-of-Season Divisional Play-offs

Fall Season

A typical season will provide 10 regular season games for each team. In the event of canceled and suspended games due to inclement weather or other circumstances, games will not be rescheduled unless there are extenuating circumstances. There are no divisional play-offs following the fall season.

Weather Delays and Cancellations

The League will make every effort to decide early in the day with concern to looming weather cancellations, but will also make every attempt to get fields ready to play. Any cancellations or delays will be shared through league email and posted on the Irmo Little League Facebook page so please check these regularly.

Umpires and Officer(s) on Duty will provide on-going decisions if rain occurs during games.


If you hear, see, or feel a thunderstorm:

  • Suspend all games and practices immediately.
  • Stay away from metal, including fencing and bleachers.
  • Do not hold metal bats.
  • Have players walk, not run, to their parents' or designated driver's care and wait for a decision on whether or not to continue the game or practice.
  • Irmo Little League began utilizes a Lightning Detector in combination with on-line weather services (such as Weather Bug) to detect and monitor lightning in the area.
  • When lightning is detected or indicated, the Officer(s)-on-Duty will notify all active Umpires and, if possible, the Umpire in Chief that lightning has been detected in the area. The Officer(s) on Duty will continue to monitor the lightning indications.

If a storm is approaching and the lightning detector registered lightning within a 10-mile radius, all activities will cease immediately. The Officer on Duty and/or an Umpire can stop play before lightning is detected within the 10-mile radius if either believes that continuing play is unsafe. If at any time the Officer on Duty and/or an Umpire feels that weather conditions are too hazardous for play, the Officer on Duty and/or the Umpire has the authority to stop play at any time. If play is stopped on one field, it will be stopped on all fields.

Make-up Games

Reasonable attempts will be made to reschedule and make-up games canceled or delayed due to inclement weather or other reasons.


Irmo Little League
PO Box 1371 
Irmo, South Carolina 29063

Email: [email protected]

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