Spring Opening Day
Important Links
Parent Information
Image Galleries
Constitution and Other Documents
Friarsgate Park
Code of Conduct
Zero Tolerance Policy
Safety FAQs
Weather Safety
Safety Code
Emergency Contacts
Accident Reporting Procedures
Volunteer FAQ
Team Parents
General Information
Concession Stand
Team Snacks
Picture Day
Game Balls
Officer on Duty
Board of Directors
Play Ball
League Boundaries
League Age
Divisions of Play
Registration Information
Player Evaluations (Spring Only)
Local Playing Rules
Player Pool
Divisional Rules
Rules Across All Divisions
Junior Coach Pitch
Minors Coach Pitch - Baseball and Softball
Minors Player Pitch - Baseball and Softball
Majors - Baseball and Softball
Intermediate - Baseball
Juniors - Baseball and Softball
Seniors - Baseball and Softball
On-the-Field Health & Safety
Heat & Sun
Proper Hydration
Protecting Young Arms
Game Scheduling
End-of-Season Divisional Play-offs
2023 Champions
History of Tournament Titles
2024 All-Star Teams
Sponsorship Opportunities
2025 Sponsors
Website Manager
Spring Opening Day
Important Links
Parent Information
Image Galleries
Constitution and Other Documents
Friarsgate Park
Code of Conduct
Zero Tolerance Policy
Safety FAQs
Weather Safety
Safety Code
Emergency Contacts
Accident Reporting Procedures
Volunteer FAQ
Team Parents
General Information
Concession Stand
Team Snacks
Picture Day
Game Balls
Officer on Duty
Board of Directors
Play Ball
League Boundaries
League Age
Divisions of Play
Registration Information
Player Evaluations (Spring Only)
Local Playing Rules
Player Pool
Divisional Rules
Rules Across All Divisions
Junior Coach Pitch
Minors Coach Pitch - Baseball and Softball
Minors Player Pitch - Baseball and Softball
Majors - Baseball and Softball
Intermediate - Baseball
Juniors - Baseball and Softball
Seniors - Baseball and Softball
On-the-Field Health & Safety
Heat & Sun
Proper Hydration
Protecting Young Arms
Game Scheduling
End-of-Season Divisional Play-offs
2023 Champions
History of Tournament Titles
2024 All-Star Teams
Sponsorship Opportunities
2025 Sponsors
Responsibility for safety procedures belongs to every adult member of Irmo Little League.
Each players, manager, designated coach, umpire, team safety officer shall use proper reasoning and care to prevent injury to him/her and to others.
Only league approved managers and/or coaches are allowed to practice teams.
Only league approved managers and/or coaches will supervise batting cages.
Arrangements should be made in advance of all games and practices for emergency medical services.
Managers, designated coaches and umpires will have mandatory training in First Aid.
Managers, designated coaches and umpires are highly encouraged to complete the
U.S. Centers for Disease Control Youth Sports Concussion Training
Concussion recognition and treatment material will be posted in the concession stand.
Fist Aid kits are issued to each team manager during the preseason and additional kits will be located in the concession stand.
No games or practices will be held when weather or field conditions are poor, particularly when lighting is inadequate. In case of games when weather is poor is left up to the umpire's discretion. A lightning detector will be utilized to monitor weather patterns to assist umpires in making that decision.
Play areas will be inspected before games and practices for holes, damage, stones, glass and other foreign objects.
Team equipment should be stored within the team dugout or behind screens and not within the area defined by the umpires as "in play."
Only players, managers, coaches and umpires are permitted on the playing field or in the dugout during games and practice sessions. At no times should parents be allowed on the field of play unless they have been approved as a league volunteer and are invited to assist the team by the manager, coaches, umpire, or Board member.
Responsibility for keeping bats and loose equipment off the field of play should be that of a player assigned for this purpose or the team's manager and designated coaches.
Foul balls batted out of the playing area will be returned to the field of play by handing it through the fence to a manager, coach or umpire when play is suspended and shall not be thrown over the fence during a game.
During practices and games, all players should be alert and watching the batter on each pitch.
During warm up drills, players should be spaced so that no one is endangered by wild throws or missed catches.
All pre-game warm ups should be performed within the confines of the playing field and not within the areas that are frequented by, and thus endangering, spectators (i.e., playing catch, pepper, swinging bats, etc.)
Equipment should be inspected regularly for the condition of the equipment as well as for proper fit.
Batters must wear Little League approved protective helmets that bear the NOCSAE seal during batting practices and games.
Except when a runner is returning to a base, headfirst slides are not permitted.
During sliding practice, bases should not be strapped down or anchored.
At no time should "horse play" be permitted on the playing field.
Parents of players who wear glasses should be encouraged to provide "safety glasses" for their children.
On-deck batters are not permitted.
Managers will only use the official Little League balls supplied by Irmo Little League.
Once a ball has become discolored, it will be discarded. However, these balls may be used for team practices.
All male players will be encouraged to wear athletic supporters and protective cups during games/practices.
All catchers ARE REQUIRED to wear a protective cup
. Managers should encourage that cups be worn at practices, too.
Male catchers must wear metal, fiber of plastic type cup and long model chest protector. Short is optional for Junior and above.
Female catchers must wear long model chest protectors.
All catchers must wear chest protectors with neck collar, throat guard, shin guards and catcher's helmet, all of which must meet Little League specifications and standards. Umpires shall inspect equipment prior to every game.
All catchers must wear a mask, dangling type throat protector and catcher's helmet during practice, pitcher warm-ups and games. Note: Skullcaps are
Both male and female players will be encouraged to use mouth guards both at practice and during games, especially at older levels.
Shoes with metal spikes or cleats are
permitted below the Junior level. Shoes with molded cleats are permissible.
Players will not wear watches, rings, pins, jewelry or other metallic items during practices or games (Exception: Jewelry that alerts medical personnel to a specific condition is permissible and this must be taped in place.)
No food or drink at any time in the dugouts (Exceptions: bottled water, Gatorade and water from thermos or team coolers.)
Catchers must wear a catcher's mitt (not a first baseman or fielder's glove) of any shape, size or weight consistent with protecting the hand.
Managers will never leave an unattended child at a practice or game.
NO children under the age of 12 are permitted in the Concession Stand unless supervised by their parent or guardian. At all times, there must be a minimum of one adult working within the concession area. These adults must have completed and been cleared by an Irmo Little League background check only if they will have a repetitive role/contact with children.
Make arrangements to have a cellular phone available when a game or practice is at a facility that does not have public phones.
Speed limit is 5 miles per hour in roadways and parking areas.
No alcohol or drugs allowed on the premises at any time.
No medications will be taken at the facility unless administered directly by the child's parent. This includes aspirin and Tylenol.
No playing in the parking lots at any time.
No playing in construction areas. This includes sand bins.
No playing on and around field equipment or machinery.
No smoking allowed in park.
No swinging of bats or throwing baseballs within the walkways and commons areas of the complex.
No throwing rocks or dirt.
No climbing fences or swinging on gates.
No climbing on dugout roofs.
No running is allowed around bleachers and the concession stand.
No skateboards, roller blades, roller skates, bicycles or scooters are allowed.
No pets are allowed on the premises without the written consent/approval of the Board of Directors. This includes dogs, cats, etc. The automatic approved exceptions will be K-9 police officers and service animals.
All gates to the fields and dugouts must remain closed at all times. After the players have entered or left the playing field, gates should be closed and secured.
Players and spectators should be alert at all times for foul balls and errant throws.
Use crosswalks when crossing roadways. Always be alert for traffic.
No one is allowed on the complex with open wounds. Wounds should be treated and properly bandaged. Medical First Aid kits are available at the park concession stand.
The County facilities and property adjacent to the complex is off limits at all times.
Observe all posted signs.
Never hesitate to report any present or potential safety hazard to the Irmo Little League Safety Officer or other Officer on Duty immediately.
Safety Manual and First Aid Kits
The Safety Officer will issue copies of the Safety Manual to managers and the concession stand will have a First Aid Kit and a Safety Manual in plain sight at all times.
The Safety Manual will include maps to hospitals and other emergency services, phone numbers for all Board Members/Officers, the Irmo Little League Code of Conduct, Do's and Don'ts of treating injured players, responsibility lists for volunteers, general information about proper practice skills, risk management suggestions and procedures, facility instructions, and accident reporting procedures. The team first aid kits will include the necessary items to treat immediate minor injuries. The first aid kit in the concession stand will be equipped with a wider variety of supplies to care for an injured player until professional help arrives, if needed.
Each team will be issued a First Aid Kit at the beginning of the season. Ice packs will be available at all times in the concession stand. In the event it is needed, an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is located at the main park building at the parking lot.
Irmo Little League
PO Box 1371
Irmo, South Carolina 29063
[email protected]
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